Black Tar Heroin for Sale
Black tar heroin is a form of heroin that is sticky like tar or hard like coal. Its dark color is the result of crude processing methods that leave behind impurities. Despite its name, black tar heroin can also be dark orange or dark brown in appearance.
Black tar heroin is impure diamorphine. Other forms of heroin require additional steps of purification post acetylation. With black tar, the product’s processing stops immediately after acetylation. Its unique consistency however is due to acetylation without a reflux apparatus. As in homebake heroin in Australia and New Zealand the crude acetylation results in a gooey mass.
Black Tar Heroin
Black tar as a type holds a variable admixture of morphine derivatives—predominantly 6-MAM (6-monoacetylmorphine), which is another result of crude acetylation. The lack of proper reflux during acetylation fails to remove much of the moisture retained in the acetylating agent, glacial acetic acid.
Heroin is often produced in Latin America, and is most commonly found in the western and southern parts of the United States, while also being occasionally found in Western Africa. It has a varying consistency depending on manufacturing methods, cutting agents, and moisture levels, from tarry goo in the unrefined form to a uniform, light-brown powder when further processed and cut with lactose.
Pure morphine and heroin are both fine powders. Black tar heroin’s unique appearance and texture are due to its acetylation without the benefit of the usual reflux apparatus.
Buy Black Tar Heroin
The price per kilogram of heroin has increased from one-tenth that of South American powder heroin in the mid-1990s to between one-half and three-quarters in 2003 due to increased distributional acumen combined with increased demand in black tar’s traditional realm of distribution.
Heroin distribution has steadily risen in recent years, while that of U.S. East Coast powder varieties has dropped; heroin production in Colombia has decreased as U.S.-funded efforts to eradicate Colombian poppy fields continue.
Heroin (Diacetylmorphine) is derived from the morphine alkaloid found in opium and is roughly 2-3 times more potent. A highly addictive drug, heroin exhibits euphoric (“rush”), Anxiolytic and analgesic central nervous system properties.
Methods of Heroin Use
Heroin is most often injected, however, it may also be vaporized (“smoked”), sniffed (“snorted”), used as a suppository, or orally ingested. Smoking and sniffing heroin do not produce a “rush” as quickly or as intensely as intravenous injection. Oral ingestion does not usually lead to a “rush”. But use of heroin in suppository form may have intense euphoric effects. Buy crystal meth online
Black Tar Heroin Health effects:
People who intravenously inject heroin are at higher risk of venous sclerosis than those injecting powder heroin. In this condition, the veins narrow and harden which makes repeated injection there nearly impossible.
The presence of 6-monoacetylcodeine found in tar heroin has not been tested in humans but has been shown to be toxic alone and more toxic when mixed with mono- or di- acetyl morphine potentially making tar more toxic than refined diamorphine.
Black tar heroin injectors can be at increased risk of life-threatening bacterial infections, in particular necrotizing soft tissue infection. The practice of “skin-popping” or subcutaneous injection predisposes to necrotizing fasciitis or necrotizing cellulitis from Clostridium perfringens, while deep intramuscular injection predisposes to necrotizing myositis.
Since the final stage of heroin production would kill any spores (a combination of high temperature and strong acid), contamination is likely due to choice of cutting agent. Almost all cases occur in users who inject intramuscularly or subcutaneously, rather than injecting intravenously.
This heroin users can also be at increased risk of bone and joint infections that stem from hematogenous seeding or local extension of the skin and soft tissue infections.
Associated bone infections can include septic bursitis, septic tenosynovitis, and osteomyelitis. Septic arthritis and skin and soft tissue infections often present visible and/or systematic symptoms, while osteomyelitis usually presents localized pain.
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